Trevor Tanaka grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii, and from an early age he was taught by his family to honor the land. In middle school, he attempted to enter an essay writing competition that asked the question “What does sustainability mean to you?” When he realized that he didn’t have an answer to that question, he figured out that it was because he hadn’t been taught about sustainability in school. Knowing that other students needed to be taught about something so important, he worked with legislators to implement a law requiring all schools to teach Hawaiians how to live sustainably. But that wasn’t enough for Trevor: he also went on to create an online toolkit making it possible for Hawaiians, and people in a number of other states, to find the best sustainability resources, listings for green jobs, and other useful information. Now studying to achieve his MBA, he is also working with other members of the Stone Soup team to create a Sustainable Workforce Development Network an online ecosystem to connect youth, educators, and companies who are dedicated to building a sustainable economy.